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We’re an association founded by logistics training businesses to ensure your needs are heard and their importance recognised. Together we’ll make improvements throughout our sector to benefit all training providers.
As a member, you’ll benefit from strategic support from industry leaders and fellow members, and you’ll be able to share best practices and expertise with other training providers. It’s a win-win for everyone.
Join us for regular networking events, both on and offline, and access a new communication platform, specifically for members. Our events will take place across the UK to make it easier for everyone.
Socio-economic surveys, lobbying successes and the creation of a new procurement group are just some of the news we’ll be sharing with you regularly. Keep an eye on our website and follow us on LinkedIn for updates.
The UK’s leading provider of insurance to the training industry understands the unique and diverse professions in which you operate. Member benefits are included.
Find the confidence to take to the road with expert resources for car learners, motorcycle riders, trainee LGV & PCV drivers and future driving instructors. Member benefits are included.
Logistics Skills Network is a not-for-profit organisation representing training providers in the logistics and passenger transport sectors. If you’re involved in the delivery of specialist logistics training courses, such as those listed below, let Logistics Skills Network speak for you.
The Logistics Skills Network is proud to receive sponsorship from these respected industry organisations.
We are seeking additional commercial partners who are allied to our sector to provide seed funding and additional revenue. This would enable Logistics Skills Network to carry out specific initiatives, such as member surveys and policy white papers. Sponsors will have the opportunity to raise their profile among the UK’s leading logistics and passenger training providers.
For more information, please email